Thursday, April 12, 2012

So long 2012...

With today's negative pregnancy test (and I am usually the queen of not testing. But I'm going to a bar with a single friend tonight, and wanted to see if I could have the beer I know she will demand. "Good news?" I can.) I can almost officially rule out a 2012 baby (I know it is technically not over until AF shows her ugly head, but at 11dpIUI, it is a pretty sure thing).

One year of potential baby-bearing-months are gone. It makes me think of the line from RENT, "How do you measure a year"?

So how would I measure this year?
- In temping
- In dr. appointments
- In OPKS and pregnancy tests
- In needles
- In iuis
- In hope and tears

But this next year of baby-making brings with it a host of changes. We had a mini-consult with my BFF this week and we are leaving the Clomid behind and moving to injectables instead. He suggested we do 1 - 3 months of that and then he feels our best option is to move onto IVF. I'm super conflicted about this and D doesn't understand why. As he said, "I am getting everything I wanted". And while I am excited that we are continuing to get more aggressive, I guess I am just nervous that IVF could be so soon. I feel like that is "the end of the road" and if that doesn't work, what do we have left?

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