Wednesday, August 22, 2012


So, tmi (as if everything in this blog I guess), I just wiped and had brown spotting.

Logically, I know that it is probably from the mock transfer yesterday (I had some bleeding afterwards which they said could happen). But of course, I am paranoid it's because I forgot to take my birth control pill yesterday until I remembered at 3am this morning (and by "remembered" I mean woke up panicked from a deep sleep) and now my period is coming. If my period comes, this whole cycle has to be cancelled.

Of course, only time will tell. I am supposed to start the lupron tomorrow so i will call the nurse if there is still anything there in the morning.

Ugh, why do I think I can kiss tonight's good night sleep goodbye?


  1. I'm so sorry! The last thing you want is another thing to worry about when going through all this. I'm hoping like crazy it doesn't turn into anything that will set you back!!

    1. Thank you! You and me both! I think I will feel better once I talk to my actual nurse or doctor (I hope).

  2. Ugh! Sorry you have to deal with this. Missing 1 pill in my own experience is usually not enough to have the period come on. I've just taken the pill as soon as I remembered and then another one the same day. You are not supposed to take more than 2 pills in 1 day. Hopefully it was all just from the mock transfer!

    1. I agree! I used to miss a pill or two often and had no reprecussions. But i've found my body has gotten a lot more fickle since we started this whole "trying" thing...

  3. Oh honey, I hope you were able to sleep ok last night. As the queen of spotting (points to self) it really does sound like it was caused by your transfer. Especially when remembering how long they were in there with that wand! Deep breaths- you are getting so close!

    I used to set a daily alarm on my phone to help me remember to take my injections. Might work for taking your pill too. Just a thought.

    1. I think that is why I am so panicked. We are so close and I am terrified it can all be snatched (or, less dramatically, postponed) away. I am really hoping it is all just from the anctics with the wand.

      I definitely should use an alarm. I can't believe though that I forgot, even for a couple of hours, something so important to this cycle. Lesson learned: don't trust the human brain!

    2. Even though we are playing a high stakes game, it's no unheard of to forget. I've forgotten an injection TWICE and that's a huge no-no. If anything, you are human.

  4. If you still have more BCPs to take after taking the one pill late, I'm sure your period won't start. But I guess you never know. Our bodies aren't exactly predictable as we go through IF.

    Praying for you that this cycle is still a go.
