Hi if you are here from ICLW. The husband and I are going through ivf, and
today was our transfer day. Read more about our story by clicking on The Crib
Notes link (I would hyperlink it here, but am not saavy enough to know how to
do that from my phone).
This morning D and I were on high alert. We were told that if we were to get
moved to a 5 day transfer they would call at 8:30. Waiting for that phone
call was torture. At the time, I felt like I was waiting to hear if I got into
the ivy leagues, or my safety school (D says a better comparison is making
varsity versus JV, but I think that comes down to our differences...he was a
jock and I was a nerd. We use what metaphors we can relate to). So we waited
and waited. Finally, at 9 (8:35 for me), we determined we were a 3 day and
prepared for our trip. And by that time, all thoughts of "consolation
prize" flew out my head...we were going to get our babies!
The whole way to the clinic, I was a bundle of nerves. They never called
with an update yesterday, so I had no idea how the embabies were doing. I was
petrified we only has one left, and possibly of questionable quality. The only
solace I had was that at least one must still be alive because otherwise they
have called and cancelled it.
Once we got there, we barely waited. Soon I was called back, derobed, ugly
bootied, and on my way. Dr. O was pacing the halls ready to go, so we met with
her immediately. She said we were transferring two grade 2, 8 cell embryos. She
said the embryologist almost never gives grade 1 so she said they were really
fantastic. Plus, 5 of the remaining 6 seem to be doing well and she said if
they make it to blast we can freeze them! So the news was way better than
expected (or feared).
After that it was pretty simple. I was called into the room and they had a
tv set up in the ceiling. I was able to see our embryologist load our two
embryos and D was able to see on the screen as they got transferred. We were
supposed to get a picture of it, but somehow never did. However, I do have a
picture of the two embryos before they were transferred. After that, they
wheeled me out, I had some acupuncture, and then we left.
I have spent the remainder of the day horizontal. My clinic insists on 48
hours bedrest. According to my paperwork, I can get up only to eat and go the
bathroom. This was the part I was looking forward to (D was on high alert for
pampering). But, what sounds awesome in theory wears thin pretty quickly. I
have watched a lot of tv and napped. My computer is far away so am making
do on my phone. Other than that, there's not a lot of options.
But you know what? It is so, so worth it.