Sunday, September 16, 2012

Triggering tonight!

I had my last monitoring appointment this morning. Apparently I have over 30 eggs, and out of those, the doctor thinks 11 to 14 might be mature. Based on the ultrasound and blood work, I just got the call that we are doing the trigger tonight at 9:45pm!

I will go back tomorrow for another round of blood work and then retrieval is set for 8:45 on Tuesday morning. I am getting excited (and nervous)! The countdown is on!


  1. Why Blogger/Wordpress no like me to today ;-(

    Yeehaw, time to start stickin' and stimmin'!

    It feels so odd when you're ovariees get to be the size of apples with clusters of grapes in them but sooooo worth it :-)

    1. I know. The doctor today asked how I was feeling. When I said fine he said, "really? because each of your ovaries is the size of a grapefruit". Which just goes to show how in tune I am with my body!

  2. congrats congrats congrats!!! Thinking of you!!!

  3. Replies
    1. I know! It makes me feel like maybe PCOS is good for something (I am guessing that is where all those follies came from). Of course, it makes me no more confident...I can't wait to find out what we actually get come Tuesday!

  4. Back when you decided to do IVF, September seemed so very far away. But all the sudden we are here. It is now. I'm so excited and hopeful for you. More than I can even begin to put into words. Now.. go trigger those puppies!

    1. I know. I can't believe the time is here (and probably won't believe it until I am going under tomorrow morning). Today my stomach as been in butterflies all day!

  5. I wanted to send you a private message- but can't find your email address. Just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you. Tomorrow is a big day and I know your stomach is in knots. Just wanted to remind you that you aren't in this alone. I'm here. We're all here. And man o man am I sending some positive vibes out into the universe on your behalf right now. I'll be waiting with bated breath for your next post. xo

  6. Thank you so much. I cannot tell you how much your support means to me, through all of this. And I am just as much rooting you forward as well. Hopefully we will both be on the other side shortly.

  7. I was away all weekend and only getting caught up with blogs now! I can't wait to hear how your retrieval went this morning! Hoping for many many many mature eggs! Let us know how it went when you're back home recovering!

  8. Wow - more than 30 eggs! That's crazy! I can't imagine how bloated / full you feel. They retrieved 20 eggs from my first IVF cycle and my stomach was so bloated, I was just miserable. Praying for a successful transfer for you! Can't wait to hear how it goes.
