Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A Hiccup

Today I had my hystersonogram with Dr. O. From what I gather, it is to just make sure you don't have any uterine abnormalities. Simple, matter of fact, protocol. But of course, it wasn't.

Turns out I have a uterine septum, or else a bicornuated uterus.  In both, your uterus has a wall, in essence making "two uteruses" (or two horns). With the uterine septum, you are at high risk for miscarriages (including second trimester losses), and with the bicornuated uterus, you are more likely to have pre-term labor, along with a host of other things. The uterine septum can be fixed with surgery, and the bicornuate uterus cannot.  I have to have an mri next week to figure out which one it is, and then we will move forward from there.

I am leaning towards thinking it is the septum, because original Dr. D said I had one at my laproscopy. However, he also said he fixed it. Google is inconclusive as to whether the septums can grow back. So now I am left wondering, if they can't, what the heck did he do at the surgery in 2009?

Of course, the kicker is, neither of these actually explain why I can't get pregnant. They are just another added bonus complication along the way. 


  1. Ugh. I'm sorry to hear this. :( Here's hoping it's a septum and can be fixed with surgery.

    1. Thanks. Isn't it weird to be rooting for a septum? But I am too because that seems like the easier fix (though I don't love the idea of surgery again!).

  2. I'm so sorry. I remember how I felt after my first sonohysterogram finding out that I had polyps (that grow back). Not a great feeling to know that something else seems to be wrong. I too am hoping it's a septum and can be corrected.

    1. Thanks. That's what I get for thinking it was a "nothing" procedure. I guess I should be happy I don't always expect the worst.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear this, but hopefully, as you said, it is just a hiccup. I have a friend who had the same problem (uterine septum) and only found out about it because she had a miscarriage and didn't know why. After her miscarriage, she had the surgery to fix her uterus and was pregnant within about 6 months. I'll be praying for you that you have the same results!

    1. Thanks! I am hoping this is one of those "blessing in disguise" things. I am just happy we found out that it is something we found out before the ivf!

  4. So sorry to hear this... it's so hard when there are added complications on this already difficult path :( Thinking of you and hope your MRI bring news of the better option of the two xoxo

    1. Thanks. I can't believe how far away Tuesday feels. You know it is bad when you are like, "Man, it is the weekend? Boo - this will take forever!"

  5. Sorry for this news, but I hope it will help you in getting things sorted out so you can move forward.

  6. I just commented on your post on 8-3. BUT I also had two surgeries for a uterine septum. On my first surgery they didn't get it all removed. Total- I had 3 HSGs, 1 SIS, and 1 surgery. =/ Thankfully, the laparoscopy and hysteroscopy wasn't too difficult and the recovery was only 3-5 days. I will now be "stalking" your blog hoping and praying that you're able to move forward with IVF!
